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Index Model 2

American Index Model 2
American Index Model 2
American Index Model 2
American Index Model 2

American Typewriter Company

Louis Philippe Valiquet

Original Price: $4.98-10


S/N: Not Applicable

According to the January 1988 issue of ETC, there were 2 models of the American Index, even though the model number is not written on the machine. The most obvious way to distinguish the models seems to be by the name on the front. The model 1 read "American $5 Typewriter". Like most index machines, this one was advertised as less expensive and easier to learn to use than a standard typewriter. The American Index can also be found under the brand "Globe" in the European market. According to OzTypewriter, the inventor of this machine also dabbled in talking machines and bicycles. The middle picture to your left is taken from a trade catalog of the American Index, circa 1902 (electronic copy of the catalog found on this site).

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