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Improved Model 2

The Comumbia Typewriter Company
Charles Spiro
Original Price: $30; £5 5s - 6.6.0
S/N: 699
This Columbia Improved Model 2 is the third and most popular model of the Columbia released to the market. According to Mares' History of the Typewriter, the Columbia was the best in its class. In the UK, the Columbia typewriter was well advertised in the newspapers as early as 1885, and in one art exhibition, was advertised as well adapted for clergymen. In 1890, Typewriter Company, Ltd was formed to be the sole UK agents for the Columbia Typewriter Company, which included business in India. The center picture to your left is the cover of the trade catalog for the first two Columbia index models. You can find the full catalog on this website in the Trade Literature section.
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