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Quiet De Luxe

Royal Typewriter Company
Designed by Bernard J. Dowd and Henry J. Hart
Original Price: $64.50
S/N: A-986733
Based on a trade catalog of Royal portable typewriters, the Quiet Deluxe, Aristocrat, and the Arrow were positioned as the premium, mid-range, and low end models, respectively. It seems that for $2 more, the only difference between the QDL and the Aristocrat is the "permanent quiet" feature of the QDL; whereas, the Arrow was also missing a touch set tabulator, automatic paper lock, and a paper guide, only had the choice of two font styles, no choice of colors, and had only a 6 month guarantee for a full $5 less than the Aristocrat. The picture to your left is a nice center page spread in their 1939 trade catalog (electronic copy on this website in the Trade Literature section, under Royal).
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